Winter Begins

Hey Guys,

Well starting to get settled in Welly! Made a few friends in the hostel where i am staying which is nice, lots of South Americans, north americans, poms and frenchies :) so all good fun. The hostel big night out is Wednesday which is awesome as i have thursdays off work!! Perfect :)
I got the job at the M-horn in Wellington :) really nice bar/restaurant it won restaurant of the year in NZ two years ago and is again nominated this year :) scary times. The people working there are really cool though so i hope i will have a great time there.  We have a work party on Sunday night for a new bar that is opening on the wharf with free drinks and food which is a great start to a new job and a good way to get aquainted with everyone over a few sherbets.

Going to try and locate a cheap swimming pool in the city so i can try and get fit, i have bee nreally lazy since i arrived in Welly and lets just say my diet is not ideal!!!!

Well a quick post this time folks :) hope all is well.